Need a part time cleaner.
I am looking for a part time cleaner. 2-3 days a week with the possibility of full time work later. For more information please call: 416-831-57131
Toronto (GTA)
19h 4m
WORK _for young man Mississuaga
We will employ a young man aged 20-35 (to be trained) for an export warehouse / automotive industry / and others in Mississauga (GTA). Required: driving license / English language willingness to work, resourcefulness. Basic forklift operation is welcome. Permanent work / full time possibility of cash payment. Interested parties please call 6478880611
Toronto (GTA)
Helper needed
I will hire a worker for waterproofing, grading, sod and excavation. Experience required. Mirek 416-833-7934
Toronto (GTA)
I will hire an employee
I will hire an employee to help with small bathroom renovationsCell 
Toronto (GTA)
Praca przy remontach
Potrzebny z kilkuletnim doswiadczeniem przy remontach, trymy, instalacje podlog, plastrowanie itp. Firma ogolnobudowlana okolice Oakville, Burlington. Stala Praca 4168232505
Toronto (GTA)
Family Restaurant and Bar is looking for an experienced Bartender
Family Restaurant and Bar (401/Dixie Area) is looking for an experienced Bartender (Smart Serve Certified) for evening shifts (4pm-1am).F/T P/T. Must be energetic, punctual and have good communication skills Send resume to or TEXT 416-569-4122
Toronto (GTA)
WORK IN A STORE - salesperson
Flooring and furniture store is hiring for full and part time positions. Starting immediately. Mississauga Dundas and Winston Churchill. (Next to Starsky 2) 4164545892
Toronto (GTA)
Work on Metal and flat roofs. We are looking for an employee or helper. Full Time 4379255525 Robert
Toronto (GTA)
I will hire a tiler
I will employ a tiler with experience in Canada, work on the subdivision, phone number 416-875-8143
Toronto (GTA)
painter's assistant needed
I will hire a painter's assistant required experience in : rolling walls, pasting, applying calking ,sending, general preparation for painting. Please call 6478653691
Toronto (GTA)
Hello. I am looking for a licensed plumber to do a commercial job in
Hello. I am looking for a licensed plumber to do a commercial job in Peterborough. Please respond to phone number for more info. Thank you. Gustavo 416 277 6774
Toronto (GTA)
Work for the factory
Job offer for a factory in oakville. erick walder (647) 765-2209 please text me with your name and surname I will call you back. Thank you
Toronto (GTA)
Professionals in folding stairs/poreczy
I will hire experienced people for part time or full time, to work on assembling and preparing stairs and railings. SIN required. Tel. 416 835 7452
Toronto (GTA)
Experienced Cabinet Maker Wanted!!
I will employ experienced carpenters, experience in cutting and assembling cabinets required. Tel: 905. 617. 7738
Toronto (GTA)
Saxophonist, playing a variety of tunes from Jazz classics to pop and rock hits. Hire a saxophone player to play background music at your wedding ceremony, restaurant, festival or corporate event, X-mass parties.
Toronto (GTA)
House Cleaning Hamilton - taken
Hey, I'm looking for a woman to work with a fairly new, developing cleaning service in the Hamilton area. I have a steady stream of clients and it's time to hire some help. If you're interested in gradually moving into part-time with the possibility of full-time, write to me :) 647-509-7984
Toronto (GTA)
I will hire a guy with a driving license and willingness to work From Mississauga
I am looking for an employee with a driving license and willingness to work in glass and doors From Mississauga
Toronto (GTA)
I am looking for a lady to clean houses in Scarborough for part time.
I am looking for a cleaning lady who lives in Scarborough for a part time job . Please contact me in my cell phone 416-827-9627 Thank you
Toronto (GTA)
Haircut student graduated from Marca College I offer service in my home (separate entrance) to gain more experience for the exam, women's and men's cuts and color. Very low prices. For more information please call 647 334 6588 Brampton West
Toronto (GTA)
Young girls needed
Young girls needed to work in a Polish restaurant in Etobicoke, contact number 416 8739494
Toronto (GTA)