All your classifieds posted on any Clascal network website will appear on your dashboard.

Business Directory Listings
All your Businesses posted on any Clascal network website will appear in your dashboard here
Your Premium business listing will have a higher priority for showing up above all others for business listings in the same category as yours, includes all the features of a classic listing.
Your classic business listing will be able to include graphics with your listing as well as the ability to link viewers to an external site or a Clascal network business page.
You can choose to create a new Business offer from scratch and promote it across the Clascal Network.

Flat Fee Campaign
A flat fee campaign is a flat rate payment for promoting your advertisements visibility on the networks website, these can be shown as a Top Ad or a Business Offer.

Business offers
If you wish to promote your ad you can choose a Business Offer option. Your ad will be presented on the homepage of any Clascal Network website as an Image-and-Text box advert, in the company of news, editorial articles and other business offers.

Top Ads are presented on top of other ads
In the list of ads in the same category there are Top Ads presented on top of other listings. You can specify the length of time your ad will be a Top Ad.

Frame Ads
You can design your simple printed advertisements in seconds. Add text and optionally image, choose the size and you are good to go. From this one place your ad will be printed in any newspaper or magazine that accept it, or even in multiple media at once.
